Plandemic - The Hidden Agenda Behind COVID-19 [26:03]

3 years ago     64

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Documentary by Elevate Films and directed by Mikki Willis, discusses a supposed hidden agenda behind the Corona-virus (COVID-19) pandemic by interviewing Dr. Judy Mikovits, one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation. Her 1991 doctoral thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV AIDS. At the height of her career Dr Mikovits published a blockbuster article in the journal Science. The controversial article sent shock-waves to the scientific community as it revealed that the common use of animal and human fetal tissues was unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases. For exposing their deadly secrets the minions of big pharma waged war on Dr. Mikovits destroying her good name, career and personal life. Now as the fate of nations hang in the balance, Dr. Mikovits is naming names of those behind the plague of corruption that places all human life in danger. One of those names includes Physician and Immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci at The National Institute Of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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