America as a Symbol of Decadence [6:42]

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Title: Julius Evola's Critique of America and Modernity Tags: #Evola #Traditionalism #AntiModernity #SpiritualDecline #Americanism #CritiqueOfMaterialism America as a Symbol of Decadence 1. America as a Symbol of Decadence: Evola viewed America as the epitome of a mechanized, materialistic civilization, devoid of spiritual depth and rooted in utilitarianism. 2. Rejection of Modern Values: He saw America as the antithesis of traditional values, emphasizing progress, egalitarianism, and individualism—principles he considered corrosive to hierarchical and transcendent ideals. 3. Critique of Modernity: Evola's disdain for America was part of his broader critique of modernity, which he saw as a decline from a sacred, ordered, and aristocratic past. 4. Chain of Decline: He traced the decline of Western civilization through liberalism, democracy, socialism, and communism, viewing them as interconnected stages of the same degenerative process. 5. Illusion of Democracy: Evola argued that democracy and liberalism are not antithetical to communism but are earlier stages of the same subversive current leading to societal collapse. 6. Radicalism and Intransigence: He advocated for a radical rejection of political decadence in all its forms, emphasizing the need for intransigence and purity in resisting subversion. 7. Rejection of Progressivism: Evola dismissed the notion of "progress" as a destructive force, urging a return to timeless, traditional truths rather than chasing futuristic illusions. 8. Americanism as a Trojan Horse: He considered Americanism more dangerous than communism because it subtly undermines traditional values through materialism, consumerism, and cultural influence. 9. Convergence of East and West: Evola saw both Americanism and communism as two sides of the same coin, working to destroy Europe's spiritual and cultural heritage. 10. Call to Resistance: He called for a steadfast defense of traditional values, warning against the passiv

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