MI's future Attny General Matt Deperno & Prof. Clements on CannCon [1:10:32]

3 years ago     27

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Late nighter with Michigan's future Attorney General Matt Deperno and Professor Clements I had the pleasure of sitting down with Professor Clements and Michigan's next Attorney General to talk about his campaign, his opponent, and his vision for Michigan. Grassroots campaigns are rough. They often go against the grain of the "elites" which can make campaign funding difficult. This election its time we do our part...the "little guys" if you will Help support his campaign at: DepernoforMI.com Follow him on Twitter @MDeperno and @Deperno4MI Telegram: T.me/MattDeperno https://canncon.locals.com/post/996863/late-nighter-with-michigans-future-attorney-general-matt-deperno-and-professor-clements

1 Comment

Out of here

• 3 years ago

Hear is what no one wants to talk about. If we do not count non voters in elections, then it will be possible to end up with a zoo animal as your leader. 25% vote republican. The Donkey. 25% vote democrat. The Elephant. 50% do not consent/vote to be governed by zoo animals. Consequentially, 70-75% did not vote for any of the zoo animals currently holding office, and the margin is much bigger at the local level. Our entire government is illegit and democracy has been turned upside down. "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed,. The cheating is only the tip of the iceberg. I dare you to spread this info. They have relentlessly shut me down on all social media sites-Democrat & Republican All social media site are under full control. Notice that one will be hard pressed to find any Democrats on a Republican site, and one will be hard pressed to find a Republican on a Democrat site. Each side is doing their best to instill fear and anger to get people to a voting booth. They have even resorted to importing voters from across the southern border. Consent to be governed is the line between tyranny and legitimacy, and as the numbers clear show we have been living under tyranny. Check the numbers for yourself and spread the word until they are forced to address it.