Breaking Lin Wood - attempting to get VERONICA WOLSKI hospital release [0:39]

3 years ago     32

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Breaking Lin Wood - attempting to get VERONICA WOLSKI hospital release I have just gotten off the phone with the individual who holds the lawful medical power of attorney for VERONICA WOLSKI. Veronica is being murdered at Amita Resurrection Hospital. The hospital providers are refusing to provide Veronica the care being demanded by her POA. A medical doctor is outside the hospital with an ambulance waiting to treat Veronica and transfer her. Amita Resurrection Hospital and its medical providers are complicit in murder if they do not immediately release Veronica to receive the medical treatment she is requesting. Let this hospital hear your voices NOW. 773-774-8000 This is genocide. Please pray for Veronica. Lin Wood, [12.09.21 20:33] How many innocent people have to die in this country and around the world before the People wake up and demand that the criminals in this country be brought to JUSTICE? An effort to steal our United States election and now genocide perpetrated by the CDC and NIH with corporate hospitals, medical doctors, and other health care providers being complicit. This is tyranny, America. There is no more time for delay. It is time to make a choice. We The People must rise up and engage in lawful, non-violent civil disobedience. Choose wisely. This is about our humanity. Pray.

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