P A N I C ! on MS-13NBC (Opposition research) [5:39]

3 years ago     31

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P A N I C ! on MS-13NBC (Opposition research) (The content below is quoted from the https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17 telegram group. Post link https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/4853) Katie Hobbs joined Joy Reid tonight on MSNBC. Her panic levels are off the charts. A few highlights: - She talked about her 122 page garbage report about the audit that highlights “why it is not a real audit” and said “whatever they come up with in their report is not gonna be credible.” () - She implied that the public doesnt know how the Cyber Ninjas were hired for the audit. Hilarious. Wendy Rogers already told us it was because all the contractors feared losing gov’t contracts if they signed on. - Katie claimed there is no transparency about about who paid for the audit. Again, laughable. American Patriots raised the money to finance it because we love America and we know Trump won. - She portrayed the “post-election hand count” as an audit (it’s not) and said that Maricopa County already conducted two forensic audits of the equipment () - She said “there is absolutely zero chance” that Trump will be named the winner of the Arizona election () Hope you enjoy prison, Katie!

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