BamOn-ChickenSandwich [26:38]

3 years ago     799

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Wokeism=Communism/Bolshevism=Judaism/JewSupremacy Just like Commies did nothing to help the proletariat, wokeism won't do shite for supposed disadvantaged. Instead, it will capitalize on their weaknesses. Shilling, Instagram-Vanity, manipulated, unhealthy food spiked with umami is precisely such a weakness. And the government, which is broadly paid by productive whites, pays for it. The way the wrappers crackle, the whole process is studied and researched, and deployed by the advertising agencies just like a street dealer deploys drugs and gets people hooked. The jews will always find a way to have the government foot the bill, because that's where the money is: for wars, for healthcare, for social programs, for reparations. When we see black acting like niggers, we must understand that they have had their weaknesses exploited for decades: literally through systematic propaganda and goading their instincts and impulsiveness towards bad choices. Through gangsta rap, through victim-mentality, through propaganda-bling. And burdening the productive classes with the bill, and having to deal with them in positions they are not qualified for, i.e. bureaucrats/government jobs. The reason why the jews are bent on deploying communism is because this suits the established ranks like the Windsors, British Aristocrats, the Vatican, Rockefelleristi etc to keep any challengers at bay. The challengers are the productive class. And at the same time, it suits the jews own agenda to ultimately rule the world, and swallow precisely those established forces who goad them on to enslave and dumb-down the goy. The collaborators are this establishment class: it is made up of clerics, nobility and old bourgeois. And the collaborators amongst us want to be accepted into this class, and have their assets protected. The collaborators amongst us want to be established, too. There are weak points in this scheme. And that's where we must attack.

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