2017-05-23 Emily Youcis about the White Sharia meme [11:01]

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Emily Youcis gives her opinions about the White Sharia meme and thot control. 5:09 She begins to talk about her history. 5:19 "I was the result of a broken home. No father; being raised by a single mother -- which caused me to almost completely go across the edge." 5:32 "did deep hood walks, all for the rush and the thrill. In reality I was just looking for a home -- the home I never had -- and the discipline and guidance of a man to keep me out of danger. In a trad society, I would have been married off by the time I was 16 to an equally virginal man" 6:19 "I could have had a good husband -- an older male in my life to take care of me and teach me things. A male role model that I could look up to -- like I craved for so many years"

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