jew brags on how Chinese worship his tribe. [1:49]

3 months ago     62

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At the beginning of the video he tells his wife (she divorced him since) how her family was disappointed he wasn't a jew. He lied so he didn't have to give them shekels. He's also Serpentza's beer buddy. They used to ride bikes together while shitting on Chinese and other Asian cultures. Serpentza is from South Africa. He escaped before niggers hacked him to death. Yet he never made videos exposing the White genocide that is happening over there. These two libtard drunks monetized on jewtube, playing the reporters, criticizing and mocking people in a host country where they were living like kings. I'm not sure if they got expelled or they simply cut tail, but they live in the US now. They chose California of all places to live, which is hilarious considering what they say they were leaving. They're both a bit full of themselves and shut down any criticism of their views while pretending to be experts simply because they have been speaking at some US events and politics.

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